Until recently we sold and supported Netguard's Guardian Pro Firewall. There were many great things about that firewall but LanOptics (LNOP), the parent company of NetGuard, has publicly announced that they have discontinued and closed all NetGuard operations immediately.
Since NetGuard has closed the operation in Israel, there are no more engineers working on enhancements, new releases or bug fixes.
Former management and technical support staff from NetGuard/Guardian have come to work in our organization. A certified Guardian Firewall reseller company has also become part of the organization as well.
We want to assist and help all of the Guardian users we have worked with over the past several years.
Has your system crashed and you need to move it to a new system? Contact us. We can't issue you a replacement key but we can assist you in getting one.
Are you looking for a netguard warez to find a replacement key? Contact us. (Note: if you are looking at warez to get a free copy of the software, don't contact us.) However, remember this is an outdated firewall using old technology so rethink stealing it.
Do you need to know how much risk you have if you continue to use Guardian Firewall until you have budget to replace it? Contact us.
There are some things that the Netguard Guardian product did that no one else can do. Are those functions essential to your operation or pose a big headache in converting to something else. We've done it and solved the problems . Contact us.
If you need immediate support or additional information or just want to talk to a friendly voice, contact us at:
Toll free: 866-378-6900
Dallas Local: 972-378-6900
Email: Support@FirstNetSecurity.com