SPAM - Ways to Protect emails


What are the most active viruses and worms today.

Test your virus protection with non-destructive test file. Please read the instructions carefully.


Do you need to invest in a solution?


Are you secure enough?

Email tends to fall into "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" category of problems we are able to mostly ignore.

Yes SPAM is an irritant but does it really cost anything?

Everyone thinks his or her email is secure enough until something happens. However, email has become a very important aspect of business communications. For many businesses the loss of email service would be just as devastating as loss of the phones and this is particularly true of off hours communications. Just like the phone we tend to ignore the medium and just exchange information very informally. Yet, if you scanned all the email in your organization you would find both extremely confidential information and grossly inappropriate, potentially lawsuit relevant messages being transmitted both within and outside your organization.

What does SPAM cost?
Approaches to Limiting SPAM.