What can you do about SPAM?


What are the most active viruses and worms today.

Test your virus protection with non-destructive test file. Please read the instructions carefully.

If eliminating SPAM is a cause and eradication is a right and good thing due to it's assault on privacy, the proper usage of communications media, and drain on your time and resources, then you should investigate participation in any of the several anti-SPAM organizations. These groups provide links, which can help you, trace back the SPAMmer to their origins and complain to their ISP and get you involved in the process of getting regulations to punish SPAMmers.

If you are more directly concerned with protecting the resources of a business then there are approaches, which require less of your time and are more effective in protecting your organization.

We have installed products that fall in each of these categories and can share that experience with you. All products that effectively decrease SPAM operate as filters that separate the good mail from the bad. Different technologies are used which are better at identifying different types of SPAM. The general solutions are:

  • Install individual filter software on each PC that integrates with your email client.
  • Install filter software on your email server.
  • Install a proxy filter that intercepts your email before it arrives
  • Incorporate a filter service that processes you email before it arrives at your mail server.

If you are a home user and need a private email address, skip the above and just sign up with a service like Hotmail.com. They include a SPAM filter that works pretty well and requires very little maintenance time on your part.

Ask questions at nospam@firstnetsecurity.com or call

Steve at 972-738-6900 x120