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Microsoft calls 'foul' on OS vulnerability data Microsoft Corp. has disputed some of the results of a recent study by London-based security intelligence firm Mi2g that showed that "the Apple Macintosh operating system and certain varieties of Unix are less vulnerable to attack than the popular Windows and Linux operating systems." A Microsoft spokesperson said that Mi2g's reporting methodology was flawed and would result in more vulnerabilities found in Microsoft products. An Mi2g representative defended the firm's system. Other security experts argue that the number of vulnerabilities is the not the key factor, but how quickly they are fixed.

Symantec fixes mail deletion flaw in security suite Security firm Symantec Corp. has issued a patch to fix a flaw in the anti-spam portion of its Norton Internet Security 2003 suite after users had complained that some of their e-mails were being inadvertently deleted by the spam blocker. According to a Symantec spokeswoman, the first indications of the problem became known on October 14, 2002, but only "a small number of users" were affected.

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Local Security News
  • Hackers learn how to make money by integrating a Hack and SPAM. Interactive Week did a story on our company's discovery. See SPAM Hacker story.