Security News Archive  


What are the most active viruses and worms today.

Test your virus protection with non-destructive test file. Please read the instructions carefully.

[Please note that many news items links expire after a while.]

December 18, 2001. Border Gateway Protocol vulnerabilities exploited to attack network routers. Details.

December 10, 2001. Microsoft patch can disable Outlook Web Access. Details.

November 23, 2001. Hybrid DDoS worm strikes MS servers ( A know vulnerability in MS SQL Server is being targeted by a hybrid worm that combines a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) with the automated propagation techniques used by worms such as Code Red. Details.

November 21, 2001. Survey finds corporate IT still vulnerable to computer attack ( Corporate information systems remain porous against cyberattacks, and many IS managers do not consider security practices and policies to be a top priority in their organization. Details.