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Mac Corporate Desktop

Comprehensive security solution for Macintosh, mobile and desktop users

The VPN client for the Mac includes the additional functions of personal firewall and encryption tools in addition to VPN. This increases the cost but is the best VPN client for the Mac on the market and the bundling is the only way it's available.

Comprehensive solution
Combines the four most critical security functions (Personal Firewall, Personal IDS, VPN and Encryption) in an easy to manage solution.

Enterprise ready
Offers robust management capabilities that make deployment and product update an easy task even in the most demanding environment.

Cross-platform file and e-mail encryption support
Enables users to send and receive encrypted data, no matter what operating system or e-mail application has been used.

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Personal IDS (Intrusion Detection)
Provides your company with a strong defense line by detecting and blocking common network-based attacks using award-winning CyberCop intrusion detection technology. Provides centralized alerting, hostile node blocking and attack tracing capabilities.

Personal Firewall
Offers outstanding inbound/outbound packet filtering with six customizable levels of protection. Transparently enforces network security policies defined by administrators while providing robust, stealth firewall protection.

VPN (Virtual Private Networking)
Delivers cost-effective enterprise remote access and revolutionary, dynamic peer-to-peer VPNs in one easy-to-use solution. PGP Desktop Security supports the latest IETF IKE and IPSec standards, and has been tested with many VPN products ensuring a high degree of VPN interoperability. Also includes support for split/non-split tunnels, IPCOMP-based compression and IKE "mode config" standards.

Unmatched Encryption Capabilities
Provides transparent disk encryption that enables you to easily protect sensitive data stored on mobile and desktop computers. PGP encrypted volumes appear to users as another drive or directory within any application. Files are automatically encrypted or decrypted when authorized users access them.

Comprehensive E-mail Encryption
Offers complete email, file, folder, and disk volume security and integrity. Includes encryption, digital signing, and key management utilities that provide privacy, integrity, non-repudiation, and authenticity of information, whether it is stored on a computer or exchanged over networks.

Instant Messaging Encryption
Enables corporations to harness the power of instant messaging for the first time securely, by using PGP's world renowned encryption and authentication capabilities within ICQ. Instant messages can easily be encrypted/decrypted using PGP's integrated ICQ plug-in.

Enterprise-Class Manageability
Each PGP Security product includes unmatched, scalable corporate management to give administrators complete control over enterprise deployment. Administrators can build deployment packages with policy configuration pre-defined. They have the ability to cryptographically "lock down" policies so users cannot disable their privacy protection or break company policy. Each component has the ability to securely retrieve new policies from a central LDAP policy server.

Leading X.509 and PGP Infrastructures Support
Provides simple "one-click" enrollment into PGP Keyserver infrastructures in addition to five leading X.509 v3 solutions including Entrust, iPlanet (Netscape) CMS, Microsoft Windows 2000 Certificate Services, Net Tools PKI and VeriSign OnSite.

Easy-to-use for End Users
Seamlessly integrates into the operating system and messaging applications. It is virtually transparent to the end user, making the life of IT manager and the end user less stressful.

Supported Messaging Platforms:

  • Microsoft Outlook 97/98/2000
  • Microsoft Outlook Express 4.x and 5.x
  • Microsoft Entourage 2001 (Macintosh only)
  • Lotus Notes 4.5.x, 4.6.x and 5.0
  • Qualcomm Eudora 4.x and 5.0
  • Claris E-mailer 2.x for Macintosh
  • ICQ 1999a, 1999b, 2000a, and 2000b

System Requirements:
To install PGP on a Windows-based system, you must have:

  • Intel Pentium 166 MHz processor or better
  • Windows 95B (OSR2), Windows 98/98SE, Windows Millenium, Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4/5/6/6a, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 with Service Pack 1
  • 32 MB RAM (Windows 95/98 systems)
  • 64 MB RAM (Windows NT/2000 systems)
  • 32 MB hard disk space (can be less depending on features deployed to end users)
  • A compatible LAN/WAN/dialup network adapter

To install PGP on a Macintosh-based system, you must have:

  • Power-PC based Macintosh system running MacOS 8.6.1 or 9.x
  • 32 MB RAM
  • 10 MB hard disk space